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1.TARS CPP Server & Client Development

C++ Server Side Development

Start docker container with following command. Here we can use image tarscloud/tars or tangramor/docker-tars.

docker run -d --name mysql \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 3306:3306 \
    -v /c/Users/tangramor/mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql \
    mysql:5.6 --innodb_use_native_aio=0

docker run -d -it --name tars -p 3000:3000 \
    -v /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_data:/data \

This command starts tarscloud/tars to container tars and mount local folder /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_data as /data folder in the container. It also exposes port 3000.

We can see that there are 2 new folders, log and tars, created under /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_data in our host OS. Folder log is to store resin log and folder tars contains the log folders of Tars sub systems. In the mean time we can find tgz packages under /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_data which have already been installed in the container.

Execute docker exec -it tars bash to enter container tars, cd /data to the work directory, and we can refer to Service Development to develop TestApp.HelloServer. We need to modify method testHello to following:

int HelloImp::testHello(const std::string &sReq, std::string &sRsp, tars::TarsCurrentPtr current)
    sRsp = sReq + " World!";
    return 0;

Then we deploy the compiled HelloServer.tgz to our tars container.

PHP Client of C++ Server Development

C++ client can be done by referring to Sync/Async calling to Service from Client. Be aware that if you want to deploy C++ client to tars-node container, you should not mix minideb tag with latest and php7 tags, because there will be dependency problem for different OSs.

Here I will introduce how to develop PHP client and deploy it. First we create a docker image base on tarscloud/tars-node:php:


FROM tarscloud/tars-node:php

RUN yum -y install php httpd \
  && rm -rf /var/www/html && ln -s /data /var/www/html \
  && sed -i "s/tail -f \/dev\/null/rm -rf \/var\/run\/httpd\/*\n\t\thttpd\n\t\ttail -f \/dev\/null/g" /sbin/

ENTRYPOINT [ "/sbin/", "start" ]

Use command to build image: docker build -t tars-node-php .

Start the container:

docker run -d -it --name tars-node --link tars -e MASTER=tars -p 80:80 -v /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_node:/data tars-node-php

This command starts tars-node-php to container tars-node and mount local folder /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_node as /data folder in the container. It also exposes port 80.

Find Hello.tars from /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_data/TestApp/HelloServer in host OS, and copy it to /c/Users/tangramor/Workspace/tars_node/web.

Execute docker exec -it tars-node bash to enter container tars-node, cd /data to web folder, and create a file with name tarsclient.proto.php:


  return array(
      'appName' => 'TestApp',
      'serverName' => 'HelloServer',
      'objName' => 'HelloObj',
      'withServant' => false,  //true to generate server side code, false for client side code
      'tarsFiles' => array(
      'dstPath' => './',
      'namespacePrefix' => '',

Then run php /root/phptars/tars2php.php ./tarsclient.proto.php, we can see that TestApp folder is created, and under TestApp/HelloServer/HelloObj we can find the generated client files.

Create composer.json file under web folder:

    "name": "demo",
    "description": "demo",
    "authors": [
        "name": "Tangramor",
        "email": ""
    "require": {
      "php": ">=5.3",
      "phptars/tars-client" : "0.1.1"
    "autoload": {
      "psr-4": {
        "TestApp\\": "TestApp/"
    "repositories": {
      "tars": {
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

Execute composer install, we can see vendor folder is created. That means we can use autoload in PHP files to load phptars. Create a file named index.php under web folder:


    $config = new \Tars\client\CommunicatorConfig();
    $config->setLocator("tars.tarsregistry.QueryObj@tcp -h -p 17890");
    $servant = new \TestApp\HelloServer\HelloObj\HelloServant($config);

    $start = microtime();

    try {    
        $in1 = "Hello";

        $intVal = $servant->testHello($in1,$out1);

        echo "Server returns: ".$out1;

    } catch(phptars\TarsException $e) {
        echo "Error: ".$e;

    $end = microtime();

    echo "<p>Elapsed time: ".($end - $start)." seconds</p>";

Use a browser in host OS to visit (in Linux or Mac) or (in Windows), you should see result like following:

Server returns: Hello World!

Elapsed time: 0.051169 seconds